Sunday, March 8, 2009

Yes, I've been quite lazy

Hey all!
I know, I've been ignoring my blog. Aside from not being inspired and not doing anything particularly interesting, I've also determined that our computer set up here is crippling me. Whatever the opposite of ergonomic is, this set up is that in spades so I'm not spending as much time here as I used to. Okay, disclaimer - check!
Now for something really interesting!
We went to Wondercon on the first with Jane and Syd. I'll admit I wasn't feeling the con this year. It was a nice afternoon out though.

Jane and Syd with Darth Vader and a Stormtrooper. Vader is such a poser!

The highlight of the day was meeting Richard Kiel.

You may remember hims as Jaws from the Bond movies "The Spy Who Loved Me" and "Moonraker" or as Mr. Larson from Happy Gilmore.

Here's us. He is quite the huge fellow!

My autograph. My ball struck his foot! Yuk yuk.

Jim had the best time ever!

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