Friday, July 11, 2008

Saxman Native Village - Sitka

I got your totem pole right here!

The best shot I could get of the Lincoln Totem Pole. There's a raven on his head.

Below is a picture I found online so you can get a better idea of what he looked like. Interesting conception of his legs I must say.

I promised Jim I would get a shot of him and the Seward Totem pole and ended up with this less than flattering photo. It was harder to get them both in there than you may imagine. I tried to get him to smile but he refused. I'm posting this pic anyway, that'll teach him.

The story goes this totem pole was erected when Secretary of State William Henry Seward visited the Saxman Indians without proper understanding of the potlatch. They showered him with gifts and expected the courtesy to be returned one day. When Seward never reciprocated the potlatch, this totem was erected and his ears, mouth and nose painted red to note his stinginess. The young lady at the gift shop said that his granddaughter (great granddaughter?) had paid a visit and was livid it was still up. Maybe she should shower them with gifts?

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