Monday, November 10, 2008

Fun with Phonetics...

Is anyone watching the show Fringe? It's not bad. Unethical and icky experiments on unsuspecting people, creepy bald observer, blonde FBI agent, good looking rogue genius and rogue genius' brillant and morally ambivilent (he does find a friend in the papaya) genetic scientist father, who is just adorable and hilarious. When the show cuts to commercial, they do so with a cut to one of these photos...

Nope, don't know what they mean yet. So very Lostish.

Anyway, I was curious about which letter of the greek alphabet that was on the frog's back. I went to Wikipedia and there I made a delightful discovery. That symbol is the letter Phi and it is a representation of a "voiceless labiodental fricative". I love that! Say it! A voiceless labiodental fricative. That's awesome. What is this voiceless laboidental fricative you ask? It is the eff sound.

A voiceless labiodental fricative = ffffffffff.

To learn more labiodental consonants, you can go here...

And they said television isn't educational.

1 comment:

Kitt said...

Learn something new every day, I say.